Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Thankful Heart

For over 25 years, come the month of November, I post a large. blank page of white paper on the fridge, along with a mug of markers on the counter next to it. It's my Thankful Heart Chart. I started when the boys were tiny-- wanting them to realize they had plenty of reasons to give thanks. By the time Thanksgiving rolls around the chart is full of drawings. The grandparents are always up there, also things like chocolate cake and trees, libraries and the kids's school friends. I have those charts all tucked in a file and you'd think by now with evidence of hundreds of reasons to be thankful, that I would be the most grateful person on earth! But I'm finding that a thankful heart takes a great deal of persistence, a daily blessing count. So I'm working at it. Blessings today? Larry working into the evening on our new kitchen floor, quiet conversatioins this past week when Ani came to visit, muffins and laughter with dear friends this morning, a merciful God I can pray to for the health of a friend, the green of the maple tree out my bedroom window and the banana/chocolate ice cream waiting for me in the freezer. God is good.


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