Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

I'm in the middle of Thanksgiving. When we were newly weds, living in Dallas, Larry found a used book store that traded in old books (of which we had no shortage) for other merchandise. That November he came home with a 2 record set of the Messiah--It became our yearly "Thanksgiving Music." We've been listening to it all month. So today, as each year before, I spend part of my morning in the kitchen. As I put together the chocolate cheesecake, the pecan tart and, of course, the pumpkin pie, I sang along to scripture-- "Glory to God in the Highest," "His name shall be Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace," "Behold the lamb of God." The girls are home, my little yellow kitchen is full of food for people I love, Larry spent the morning walking with Paul, we are heading off to Thanksgiving dinner with our dear family and this chapter of my life is full and sweet. My "thankful heart" is overflowing with thankfulness.

1 comment:

lokate said...

hooray. hooray. i am thankFULL for you.