Monday, January 24, 2011

Goals, Hopes & Resolutions

Is it a little late for New Years' resolutions? Well, I never liked that word resolution anyway--sounds like something waiting to be broken, or just forgotten. I prefer goals (being a first born type)-- something you write down and check up on next January. And then there's hopes. Things you wish for, pray for but can't really do yourself. I have plenty of those.

So here are my hopeful, resolute goals for this year ahead:
*Have more fun with Larry, more walks, more yogurts, more trips to Big Bear.
*Phone my mom and Helen/Stu more often. Who else will listen to all my stories like they will?
*Give my kids joy, encouragement and chocolate cake!
*Make for videos for Charlotte & Maryann. I know I look dorky, but I think they don't mind.
*When kids at school talk to me, stop and look at their faces and really hear them.
*Email my Monday ladies, my Tuesday moms more, check in on how they are doing.
*Most importantly be more prayerful for all these people. Love God and listen to his voice.

That's it. A lot to try for. But I'm hopeful.

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