Sunday, February 1, 2009

Selma & Penelope

It's been a momentous week. Thursday the family gathered at the cemetery near our house to say good-by to Larry's Aunt Selma, Stu's sister. We talked through her quiet life and remembered sweet and sad moments with her. We hugged and ate a big dinner at Karen's house and looked at pictures old and recent of Selma. We will miss her. Yesterday was a different family reunion. A much less quiet and restrained group met at the home of Giseilla's parents to celebrate the imminent coming of baby Penelope. We laughed over mojitos and plates of appetizers, patted Gisella's growing tummy and oohed & aahed over adorable baby gifts. So much hope and anticipation! This baby will never know Selma, but they are part of the same big family. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

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