I love a clutch flowers on the table, in the kitchen, by the front door... If I plan right and the weather is obliging, I can have flowers from the yard almost year round. Camelia's ("winter roses") begin in January, freesias and then masses of sweet peas in the spring, summer roses and hydrangeas on into the fall. I have to settle for a greenery and a pumpkin late November and holly in little bunches for Christmas. But it's a joy to bring the fresh, bit of life into the house. When I sit and study the curve of a petal on a double delight rose (my Grandma Roses's favorite) and the way the vivid deep pink fades gracefully down to a soft ivory along the slope of the petal. Who put God could design such beauty? I'm thankful.
hey mom - sorry i never comment on your blog - i always enjoy it!
i cant wait for you to help me figure out the flower situation in the new yard - sweetpeas FOR SURE :) i wonder if the same things will grow up here as do down there (?).
I think sweet peas will grow better in SF--cooler weather. what a joy to have your own place that grows and blooms... and trees!!
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