The person who's been on my mind since I left China is Jodi's mom, He Lijun. She and I share an affection for two adorable grand-girls. We were both born the same year, but that is where our life similarities end. At 14 years old Lijun became one of millions of victims of China's Cultural Revolution. She was taken from her family to labor on a farm in the countryside for a number of years. That is where her schooling ended. At age 24 she took a job in a fertilizer factory where she met Jodi's father. They married and had their one child, sweet Jodi. By marrying in this town she lost her chance to return to live by her family. For years the Zhous lived in a 6th floor walk up apartment owned by the factory until home ownership became possible and they bought it from the company. They live there still in their tidy home with the squat toilet and a compact kitchen where she turns out dish after dish for each meal. She has traveled to Shangahi to be with Micah and Jodi, but not far beyond. She's never driven a car or attended a church. I wonder what she would think of my life here. She is a strong woman and as far as I can tell from eavesdropping on Chinese conversations, she has a definite point of view. I wish I could know her better. She seems an amazing woman.
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