Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Baby Maryann Laurel

After a flurry of blog posts, emails and telephone calls, she's here! That was on our side. In China, bringing forth this little darling was a bit more complicated!! Maryann Laurel Sittig, born to our Micah and Jodi on Sunday the 7th of September-- A taxi/ambulance ride to the hospital, a little waiting and some hard work on Jodi's part all resulted in a sweet miracle of new life.
The thing that makes a new baby so precious is all the hope-- hope for small first steps, for books read together, for drippy popsicles on hot days, for girly giggles and heartfelt conversations, for lasting affection, for a life well lived... So much ahead for little Maryann and all of us who already love her. That's hope.

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