Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving has come and gone. The dishes are all washed and back in the cupboards. Turkeys and pilgrims are packed away for another year. There is just a smidge of cranberry sauce moldering in the fridge. But the thankfulness I've known this month lingers.

I'm thankful first for my Larry--with me through thick and thin--and there have been a lot a thicks and thins in the last couple years. I'm thankful for the joyful, lovely wedding of Ani and Brian last winter and the romantic engagement in a medieval garden in Spain of Aaron and Jessica. I'm thankful for visits with Micah, Jodi & girls both in China and CA-- and for our 7 uproarious weeks with Charlotte in the house. I'm thankful Laurel is sitting on our sofa right now-- "photojojo-ing" and waiting for dinner together. I'm thankful back to parents I can still admire and the wonderful childhood they gave us. For a job I'm happy to go to, for Monday night friends who share my life, for my adorable MOPS girls, for afternoon walks and meals with friends. I'm thankful for God's presence in my life that never lets me down. How could I not be thankful?

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