Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Reading ala John Stott

There are just too many books and not enough time. My nightstand over-floweth! I'm longing to get into The Sweet Life in Paris by one of my favorite "American in Paris bloggers." And I picked up The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place, a children's book about a plucky governess last week after I had seen the new "Jane Eyre" movie. There's the Lit group I should finish by Tuesday next (probably not)-- and the short stack I just picked up from the new book shelf at the library. I have another Yancy book I've been meaning to start. Oh, and on top of the stack-- the new Time magazine dedicated to the Royal Wedding. Will I get to that before their anniversary? But I am really deep into Bill Bryson's At Home, following him down rabbit trails of domesticity as he describes the history of rooms in his 19th century British parsonage. Fascinating...

I'm thinking I should follow the example of Larry's favorite theologian John Stott. He determined to read one full hour a day, one full day reading each month, and take a full week just to read each year. He was a single vicar and wrote several important books himself, but I'm imagining he didn't have the distractions of 3rd graders, cleaning or laundry. Still, if he could do it, I'd sure like to give it a go. So I'm off to bed with my book...

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